Great write up. I have been under many cars over the years and two things that bothered me about your process.

One, using the sliders as a jack stand point. Now I have a lot of faith that this point would hold up the vehicle, but I still wouldn't use it. I would instead slide the stand in 5 more inches and put it under the frame. There is no chance of vehicle falling then.

Also, for the rear shackle install, using a floor jack without a jack stand. I have seen my share of hydraulic floor jacks give out and I would not want to be sticking my arms under there with only the floor jack holding it up. Again, jack stands under the frame would be best.

Also, what you call a gasket, wouldn't that actally be called a bushing?

One other thing, I would suggest putting in there about using wheel chalks.

I have only been around the off-roading scene a short time, but one of the things I have noticed, people who have never worked on a car in their life will install mods. This is a great thing and I would fully encourage it, but you just have to make sure you are watching out for your safety when under a vehicle. An improperly secured vehicle is just as dangerous (if not more so) than a spring compressor.

AC should send these instructions with their kits (if that wasn’t already the idea).