Originally posted by ccotenj:

you came looking for ideas... people willingly shared theirs with you... pics and all, and details of how to do it...

now that you've found your solution, you don't want to share...

How about reading what I already posted?! I DID share what I had, including about 4 pics that show exactly how the thing goes on there. I also stated that I did not make it, and know nothing about welding or fabricating, so I couldn't tell you the 'details' of how to make it. What do you want me to do, pull it off and make a CAD drawing for you in my 'spare' time?
Even so, if you look at what I provided, including the pics, and simply take that to a local welder, he should be able to recreate the same thing.

If I '...don't want to share...', why would I have even gone through the effort of posting the pics and telling anyone about it?

I've been in a few clubs and more than a few online auto forums in the past, but you guys really take the cake.

Get a life.