You can't satisfy everyone, Xterra owners are even worse, get 5 Xterra owners together and you will get 8 different opinions about what GPS should be in there. Not even mentioning the software!

I use a Garmin GPS 60 CSx Color, Cards, USB to computer, Garmin software galore, typo, streets, fishing, all you want. Ex Ant port, Power port, read on,

I have mine with me 24 - 7 Biking, wheeling, camping, driving, fishing (as a Backup to my Garmin 188C) Trust me, I did a lot of research in making my choice. This was the best and lest expensive choice for what (Key word) "I" wanted. I bought the Garmin mounts for everything.

Ya know it would really suck if you got deep into the woods and had to hike out and all you had was a dash unit.

But I suppose you can remove a dash unit, and ant. And carry the 12V battery with ya? MC