didnt (needs apostrophe)
anyways (not a word..no "s" on the end)
alot (should be two words- a lot
all you (should be all of you)
your self (should be one word-a reflexive pronoun)

...sorry dude, couldn't resist. But in all honesty, it was difficult getting through your posted question. I'm not sure how old you are, but here's some advice on communication. There are two things people get judged on during the first few seconds they first meet someone: One, the way they look and two, the manner in which they speak. Here, you can only be judged on your "speech". Is it fair? Of course not. Is it indicative of the type of person your are? Of course not. Is it life? Of course it is!! You've been a member long enough to know that there are people lurking around this site for god knows how many hours waiting for victims to light up. It gives them some sense of empowerment, superiority, ...whatever. My advice, and I'm really not trying to be an ass here, is to slow down a bit with your questions and be clear in your statements (especially if you want to avoid being a target and get some answers). Hope this helps and good luck with your sub.