Well I am very sad to say that on Sunday during the AZXC X'cursion to Crown King, I had to get my 2WD towed for the first time. I had 2 choices I could fall off a cliff or get pulled out, I of course chose the getting pulled out. I obstacle was the hardest one we have over been on, I actually got over the hard part and got stuck in between that rock and next rock. When I got stuck it spun my rear tires on the rock and pushed my X left to the side of the cliff. So I had no choice, It was just barely on the edge of the teail. I got towed over the next rock ok. A lot of people in my club could not beleive that is the only place I stuck and that I made it all the way through the trail. So all in all it was a good trip.

"I can make it over any obstacle, I just might not be able to make it to the next one."