Hey there everyone,

My name is Tyler, and I joined because ever since the XTerra's came out, our family has wanted one, so now that I've started driving (In HIghschool) my mom would like to replace her Accord which was given to me.

I only have one concern really and that's long term reliability. I know I'm not buying a Honda/Acura Product so I'm not looking for soft high quality plastics galore or anything, we just want something that will run for a very long time. With little issue hopefully. I've only heard bad about the new Pathfinders, and the Muranos, but hopefully since the XTerra is on an older platform most of those issues need not apply? I'm not sure if we want new or used. I assume if we go new it'd be in december when all the deals come out on leases and financing, but all in all we just need a 2WD, AT, V6 Model (differences in the engine between the years anyone?), fully loaded. So tell me common issues you may know of or have experienced, and if you'd buy another one again and why. (looking for comments if you'd buy another from those who've owned for 2+ years please).

Thanks Everyone,