Hey All,
New to the XOC community. I've had my X since 05 I think. Its an 04. Got it from a dealer in NY. I live near the WB/Scranton PA area. Always been wanting to mod my X but haven't had time or money. Got a new job so the money is alot better. Gotta find time in between working on the house and actually working. lol.

Nothing really done yet but. Hoping to do a PML soon and a few other mods. Eventually once the house is done I'll go crazy with the mods. Of course if money is there. ha ha. Anyway here are a few pics over the years since I had my X. Yes the pics are mostly poser pics. I never seem to remember the camera when I hit the woods/trails.

These are from a place where we go camping. Awesome Views of the Mountains here.

These are back at my old apt after testing out the new tires. Old pics now. I now have Yokohama Geolander Tires.

Somewhat nice day so I decided to move my boat to clean it and then put it back in the garage.