Originally posted by RudyB:
Originally posted by Ebeauchea:
[b]Where in NJ are ya?
I am in Voorhees (Camden County), but I work in Phillipsburg (Warren County). I bought the Xterra to replace my frail '88 Bronco II with a terminal case of drivetrain-opathy in need of a total drivetrain transplant (may she rest in peace, she was laid to rest last month). The Xterra is everything I wanted the Bronco II to be...

I should probably check out the site. I heard that the group was coming back together after some issues with massive spam on the site. I will be looking for fellow Xterra owners in need of a dive buddy (I should have the money for a new drysuit when spring rolls around if I get this second job I am looking at). I also *really* want to go for my Master Scuba Diver Trainer certification, and that means I have to get back into teaching to do that.

Holy Commute Batman!! Is that a 4 hour drive each way for you??
"If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball."