Originally posted by Conundrum:
I work for a company that does the 9/80 thing, however it totally sucks, except for the every other Friday off.

We are rumored to be switching to a 4 - 10 work week with every Friday off, but that is just that a rumor.

There is a considerable amount of time in figuring out where time is applied when you work overtime or have to work on the "Off-Friday" and this has got to be costing us 10's of thousands of dollars in labor, just to sit around and figure this out, not to mention, bitch about it to everyone.

Tell them to go for the 4 - 10's instead, you'll thank me later. What's an extra hour a day anyways?
yeah see this is exactly what I was thinking. We've been talking about this for some time now, and we keep coming across situations that are going to make this a real hemorrhoid for us all. We asked about 4/10's but as this is a city government office, we can't be closed three days a week. Our director has worked this before, and she likes it. But then again, she's single, no kids at home, and she's already working 10-12 hours a day anyway. My thinking is, this is going to suck and it will die a quick death.