Originally posted by BluMerle:
When I think about Paul.. I remember a quote from the Simpsons. "Go ahead.. throw your vote away!" [LOL]
If everyone didn't feel that way and went ahead and placed their vote for him, THINGS MIGHT HAPPEN! I don't understand this. I'd rather vote for him, who I support wholeheartedly, than for someone else "who has a better chance of winning" even though I think they suck and have not offered valid solutions to today's issues. Why NOT make a statement and vote for someone who I personally think is brave and has a consistent voting record in Congress (So they call him Dr. No? At least he stands up for what he believes in and has been consistent throughout his career!) and is not scared to speak the truth instead of just spewing what most people "want to hear".

It's like Bill Maher said when he had Dr. Paul on his show: "If America was a smarter country, wouldn't you be leading the polls?"

I am not scared to vote for someone I support. And no one should be intimidated b/c "he has a slim chance of winning". Vote anyway! You may change things!

Why does that not make sense?

(Does this make me a Paulbot now? LOL)