Originally posted by MidnightX:

Who are these "truthers"?
The 9-11 truthers are the "Loose Change" Movement. They are people who claim that 9-11 was an inside job and a US government conspiracy.

Seriously Midnight... are you claiming you are not aware of these people? Are you saying you are not aware that a large portion of them are HUGE Paulbots and comprise a large amount of his support?

The 9-11 Truthers aren't the only conspiracy nutjobs who have allied themselves with Ron Paul.

Ron Paul himself gives much conspiracy fodder to these nutjobs through all his appearances on nutjob shows like Alex Jones.

Let us also not forget about Ron Paul's newsletters and all the insanity, both racial and government, contained within those. They explain Paul's support among neo-Nazi's, KKK and all other white supremacists.