Traveling Fool Johnson is right!

It's not that Hillary is a woman or Obama is black. I look at candidates solely on platform. Hillary is a panderer of the worst kind and Obama....well, he doesn't really HAVE a platform.

I really haven't heard any real ideas from him aside from social medicine. When I've listened to Romney in the debates, he's come up with the most logical and sensible answers to questions on things like Social Security, immigration, etc. Obama answers everything with "message of hope" WTF does that mean?

I just don't think this country can get past Romney being a mormon. As for his flip flopping...the main thing I think he's done that on is abortion rights. That's not a policy item that makes a helluva lot of difference to me, and it's actually one of the traditional republican ideals that I don't agree with. I'm more concerned about getting someone with some management and fiscal skills, and someone who was a successful leader in the private sector appeals to me much more than a few career politicians from the Senate.