Originally posted by WilMac1023:

....and he's not a Clinton. Which makes me very happy.
I'll ignore some of the outright lies in your previous post and just get on with talking about Obama.

There is VERY LITTLE difference between him and Hillary Clinton. Both want to expand government. Expand government control over the economy through numerous stealth methods disguised as other things such as global warming fraud legislation and fraudulent healthcare initiatives.

Don't kid yourself about this garbage that both Democrats are proposing regarding healthcare. They both propose further controlling and regulating the industry. This business about mandating no company can turn down anyone with an existing condition is a back door method to destroy private insurance healthcare. The costs would skyrocket for everyone else and if Democrats want to madate government price controls on insurance premiums for healthcare, that kills the industry. It's a stealth method for a government takeover.

I'm not even sure if such controls on a private industry are constitutional.

I do know one thing that is completely unconstitutional the Democrats want to do. Their plan to increase the power of unions with this very undemocratic "card check" scam they want to institute into law is both undemocratic and unconstitutional. Obama supports this destructive fraud.

It will all result in more businesses saying "fuck it" and moving overseas.

Obama wants to raise taxes on corporations and investment. That's another job killer. This country already has the second highest corporate rate in the developed world. We will not be able to compete with higher corporate and higher taxes on investment.

Obama is no different than Hillary. Both seek more draconian government control of people's lives and industry.

Both are complete recipes for disaster.

Obama is possibly a bigger disaster because his foreign policy is extremely naive where Hillary's is more pragmatic and realpolitik.

Obama on foreign policy is like Jimmy Carter with a tan.