Originally posted by Samueul:

In regards to link one, I don't know how "assault weapons" attribute to inner city violence. I don't read too much about ak47's being used against people. It's a stupid argument. Most gun violence happens with much smaller pistols and calibers (ie cheap guns).
They don't care. They just want to incrementally remove guns from the American public.

In regards to the second link, I hate to say it but in a way he's right. There is no reason Cho should have legally gotten a hold of a firearm if he had prior mental issues. It's right on the form in PA when you go to purchase a gun. It was too easy for him to lie about it I guess. Don't know the answer but banning guns altogether is not going to stop gun related violence.
That's a larger issue and involves other things once you start talking about the mentally ill. The government has given them all kinds of rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Add to that all the privacy rights that have kept databases of these people from being formed and easily accessed in routine background checks.

Also does an outright ban mean the police will not be armed also?
No. Of course not.


Check out a new Obama campaign office in Texas. Look at the flag on the wall and you tell me what many of these "Obamaphiles" are about?

Obviously they know a leftist when they see one.