What would help dramatically is to put an end to the notion of multiculturalism. Immigration to this country used to work because immigrants were expected to assimilate into society and be Americans instead of Mexican-Americans, or Italian-Americans, or whatever.

One black guy I'd support if he ran for public office is Bill Cosby. As wacky as he is, at least he recognizes what's happening to black families. He acknowledges everything NYMM said about black children being born out of wedlock and what it's doing to them economically.

The liberals further this agenda by embracing "alternative" lifestyles, supporting gay marriage, and thinking it's perfectly normal for a kid to be raised by a couple lesbians, or whatever. Family values are being distorted in this country and it's taking it's toll on the moral fabric of our population.

I'm no bible thumper by any means, but I do recognize the value of tight knit families.

With regard to education as a stepping stone for opportunity as Yasha pointed out, A college degree isn't necessarily a ticket to success. My wife has had good paying management positions with just a GED. Again, it's your work ethic and your ability moreso than forking out thousands on college.