Originally posted by TJ:

If I later find that Salaam Alekeim means "I have the bombs", and Alekeim Salaam means "And I the fuses...", so be it....
That...was....AWESOME [Spit] [Spit] [LOL]

- on a serious note....
when I was in the Cub Scouts way back when, they taught us to be 'reverent' of other people's religions. Our scout master said he was with some muslims or one of those groups that does a lot of kneeling and bowing and when it was time to pray he joined them and kneeled and bowed right along with them - not because he believed in their God or religious practices - but to show respect for their beliefs/practices... maybe to try to understand them a bit better... or maybe just so he didn't look like a tool as the one guy in the mosque sitting indian-style picking his nose.

These little gestures cost you nothing and can create a great deal of goodwill between different groups.
Warning! Do not sear the top of your neck hole in the molten lactate extract of hoofed mammals.