I won't be turning in my handguns under any circumstances.

I'm an NRA life member. For you other gun owners, the NRA is our best line of defense. This one is going to become more political than any incident before it, so be ready to write letters to your congressmen. Liberals in this country are ready to eat up what the biased media will tell them.

I really want to know how this idiot obtained his firearms. I'm guessing/hoping that an existing law was violated to point out the ineffectiveness of gun control laws.

That's the part the anti gun scumbags always leave out - very few crimes committed with firearms are done so with legally obtained weapons.

Enforce the laws we have and uphold the 2nd amendment.

And seriously, when the time comes write those letters. I know I will. The day this country disarms its citizens is the day we become a completely socialist republic.