Originally posted by NY Madman:
There is a lot that can be learned from this massacre as far as future security procedures. Let's hope the coverup doesn't hamper everything too much.
Exactly, once again the focus will be on gun control, and probably on Cho Seung-Hui and his "twisted plays".


A fellow student said Cho had written two plays so "twisted" that his classmates suspected he might become a school shooter.

"When we read Cho's plays, it was like something out of a nightmare. The plays had really twisted, macabre violence that used weapons I wouldn't have even thought of," former classmate Ian McFarlane, now an AOL employee, wrote in his blog.
There is no way around the gun control and that will be dominant, and well the media is already eating up the whole "distrubed", "loner" aspect; however the primary concerns should be with the security measures in my opnion. Attending a university, well that becomes your home, and you should feel safe within the campus. Just appalling at this moment how all of this was handled.