My wife has a two inch scar on her hand from trying to peel two pit bulls that escaped from a neighbors garage and were hell bent on turning my utterly harmless and completely non-agressive golden retriever into roadkill. There's another thread on here about pitbulls that details the incident.

The two pitbulls that attacked my wife and dog were raised in a loving home by loving owners.

That crap about pitbulls acting as nice as the owners is complete and utter bullshit. And that temperment score is irrelevant. It's not about how aggresive the breed is in general, it's about how much damage they can do when they go nuts.

Fortunately for the safety of the population at large, money talks and bullshit (most of this thread) walks. Insurance companies now drop pit bull owners that report even a single dog bite claim faster than I can type this sentence. The homeowners are also then blackballed from getting other reputable or reasonably priced insurance. And I couldn't be happier about that. Unfortunately, most people that I've come across that own pitbulls aren't too concerned with insurance of any variety.
