I have no problem with 'Mexicans', just Illegals. There is a huge difference, so don't go throwing it out there as if I am a racist. I have a friend from Sudan who obtained his citizenship legally and a close friend born/raised in Mexico who also recently obtained his citizenship. Neither came here illegally or were ever here illegally. They work and pay taxes just like every other American.

Sharam, I thought you left and were never coming back anyway...?

Anyway, back to the dog debate. Whatever...to each their own. Just don't make ignorant comments like all of breed X should be shot on sight (Rinky) or that you got bit because it was a _______ breed. You get bit when you stick your HAND into a dog fight no matter what kind of dog it is...your wife (Auditor Kevin) should have gotten a stick or Mace or ANYTHING to put between her and the dogs...she IS a dumb shit in this case for putting her HAND in with the mix.