Well now that everyone has spoke their piece, I think that it is safe to say that it has become more of a pissing match and a race to see who can claim that they have a bigger unit than everyone else rather than a very informative disscussion on a breed of dog and how it is percieved by public.

We could go on for hours upon hours stating each others opinions on a certain dog, and no everyone is going to agree on it. I know that I have better things to do rather than argue amongst people about such a open ended subject. So you dont like the breed of dog I own....Then dont come over to my house. So you think that they are extremely dangerous?? Then go in your house, lock the doors and dont come out. There are so many things that you could do to prevent such an attack on you or your family.

The whole thing about the lady who stuck her hand into the middle of a dog fight, I didnt mean to come off rude, but you sort of have to snicker when you see an act of stupidty. She could have used some type of weapon to help with the situation (i.e. broom stick, bat, mace, etc.) Common sense will tell you that you dont use your hand to flip burgers on an open flame, YOU USE A PAIR OF TONGS, OR A SPATULA. The same goes for a dog fight.

You guys can go on and argue about who is right and who is wrong until your blue in the face, but you will never get the other person to agree with you in a debate like this.