Originally posted by NY Madman:
Sometimes you do have witty and funny comments. You were even headed in that direction for a while in this thread.

But that statement above just put you into "loon" territory. Maybe even future "moonbat" territory. You're too deliberate to be a true moonbat or loon. Is it a Los Angeles thing? Maybe a Tehrangeles thing?

If you think socialists and big government pussies are Republicans, or even on the so-called extreme right that you claim to fear... that says a lot about you. It says a lot about either your ignorance or whatever propaganda you are trying to push. I'm hoping we won't see a return to your days of outright anti-Americanism.

It seems more than obvious that you don't understand nor have any respect for the rule of law in this country. Maybe that too is a Tehrangeles thing. I don't know. I'm not sure I want to know.

You have a lot of pent up hatred Shahram. This isn't the only place you show it either. Did the Toyota board get tired of you?

Do you think anyone cares about your line of bullshit that I am somehow a purveyor of snuff films? You can cry all you want about that bullshit and manufactured outrage, but it is getting you nowhere.

Come back to reality Shahram. If I wanted to be an individual who liked to post stuff like that on XOC on a regular basis, there is more than enough things like that provided by your brethren from the Middle East. Their anger seems similar to yours.

For some reason it seems like you have a serious dislike of me. I refrained from saying hate, because I don't hate you. We have our disagreements, but that doesn't mean we always have to be disagreeable.

I didn't even bust your balls after you ran off the forum and then came back.

Basically... this a thread about dogs. Let's not get carried away insinuating racism, National Socialism, and every other kind of bullshit you want to throw into the picture just because someone happens to dislike certain types of dogs.

Originally posted by NY Madman:

Can't we all just get along?