Originally posted by MattyX:
Chumpmann- your name indicates to me that you're trolling us.

The skateboard and touch-and-go analogies are apt. Those who say the plane won't fly are essentially holding the position that you can stop a thrown skateboard by touching the bottom of its wheels while its in midflight, or that a plane attempting a touch-and-go would stop the instant it hits the conveyor.

Both contentions are patently wrong.
::ETA:: I think I realized Chumpmann's hangup. Here ya go-

Lift is not required for an aircraft to move. Planes can taxi without flying, and they do it without powering the wheels. Because the plane can move forward by propelling air, no force against the bottom of the wheels can stop it.

Lift is not required for a plane to gain horizontal movement. Horizontal movement will lead to lift, not the other way around. The conveyor cannot prevent this, not if it spins at 1000x the speed of an aircraft.

::ETA::: Whoops