OK I just weighed myself. I am 6 lbs. less than last Sunday. Crazy!

Today is "rest" day. Tomorrow I start back up. Basically this is the workout for the first three weeks:

Monday - Chest and Back (i.e. one hour of pushups and pullups -- TWO THINGS I HATE!!!) and 15-minute Ab workout (i.e. insanity)

Tuesday - Plyometrics (i.e. one hour of jumping and squatting)

Wednesday - Shoulders and Arms (i.e. one hour of weights and band exercises. By this time, I want to cry) and 15-minute Ab workout

Thursday - Yoga (i.e. 1 1/2 hours of me thinking "what did I get myself into?!?!?" I thought yoga was supposed to be easy!)

Friday - Legs and Back (i.e. one hour of squats and pullups) and 15-minute Ab workout

Saturday - Kenpo (i.e. one hour of kickboxing moves. This one wasn't so bad since I've done kickboxing for years so I was used to all the moves and doing the cardio.)

Sunday - Rest or the Stretch DVD

The next 9 weeks the workout order mixes around.

I've been following the nutrition plan exactly, with a few minor adjustments because I don't like seafood (I know, crazy!). I am getting used to eating egg whites, and I'm not really hungry in between meals. The first two days I was SUPER tired all day, but by Wednesday I was more energetic. In cases like yesterday where I spent the day out with my boyfriend, I would eat a salad with grilled chicken and low-fat dressing on the side. No cheese. No croutons. No bread. We even went to the Flea Market and he had a corn dog with mustard and I watched him eat it and was soooo jealous. This is so hard. But I am determined to do it!

By the way, I highly recommend this product to anyone who works out all the time but is at a plateau. I was at the gym 6 times a week, twice a week with a personal trainer, but wasn't getting results and wasn't motivated to eat right. This guy Tony is cool and kinda corny sometimes, but I laugh at his comments. It's like having a personal trainer every day. The program really spells out everything for you and is easy to follow.

Well, it's EASY to follow, but it's HARD to do the damn workouts and eat healthy all the time!