I didn't see a single hint at poking fun in that whole article or the comment section of the forum. It's simply an illustration to privide the visual of the magnitude.

Get over it, man. We're not going to have another cold war, the Russians are not out to get us and they don't despise
When I said "the Russians" I didn't mean it in some Rocky V us against them kind of way, I was talking about the Russians specifically in that thread.

I'm gonna bullshit that someone took the time to photoshop that Google maps image just to "provide a visual of the magnitude". They're making light of the situation. You think some bullshit yellow brick road illustration "provides a visual of the magnitude" better than the actual pictures?

Someone was trying to be funny, and I take exception to that. If I drew up a Google Maps picture of Chernobyl that showed three eyed children and glowing buildings, would that also "provide a visual of the magnitude"? [Freak]