Since this is the place for geeks... [Finger]

I know this is two year old news, and not sure if anyone cares anymore. But Mac OSX on a standard Intel PC kicks ass! I'm too cheap a bastard to buy a new Mac, just to play with.

Currently triple booting OSX, XP SP2, and SuSE 10.2. Network is cooperating between everything (2 other XP PC's printers, Interweb)

Just wanted to share.

Now....onto Quad booting with Vista (assuming someone has GRUB working with the Vista bootloader BS)

Off to google I go...Is it sad this is what I'm doing on my day off? [LOL]

Edit to add: really just because I don't want to go mow the yard, and its nice and comfortable in the house right now, and don't want to waste a beer buzz on the lawnmower. laugh