And to you architectural guys out there...STOP TAKING OUR DRAWINGS OUT OF THE RIGHT DATUMS (CORRDINATE SYSTEM)!!!! For the love of god...when we send a drawing in the right UCS and all the coordinates right, why do you feel the need to take it and rotate it all over the place then when you send it back to us for the stakeout its all F'ed up... mad
Architects don't know what coordinates are. No, really. They don't. I asked one, one time, what coordinate system his file was in, because it wasn't coming anywhere close to where it should be (imagine you're doing a site design in Tennessee, and the building is coming in at, oh, I don't know, somewhere around New Guinea...). Well, when I asked, the line sounded like it went dead. So I asked, again... After hearing him clear his throat, he asked me what did I mean. I told him the survey file was appeared to be in state plane coordinates, but the building file I got from him wasn't anywhere close.... Turns out, they took a corner of the existing structure (which was demo'd by the time the proposed plans were being done), and made that 0,0,0, and arbitrarily started drawing w/ North facing up...

Dear god, make the bad men (architects) stop... I have but one wish... That architects learn what coordinates are. Then, they might actually have their CAD guys learn that you actually can rotate a view AND the UCS, and NOT just the building, so you can still draw w/ ortho, if you so choose... Drives me freaking insane. How do you do a site plan, down to the hundreth of an inch accuracy, if the freaking architect won't put the building where it's supposed to be???