Originally posted by Xterrian:
Yeah, got mine today. Looks like they gave in a little and included shells. It doesn't matter if we paid anything. What if I said I was giving away a truck equal to an Xterra if you registered at my website and then gave you a crappy truck that you couldn't drive anywhere. Can't export 3D DXF files. If I can't convert it to G-Code it's of little use to me. I'm new to CNC so maybe there's something I can do with an STL file, but I've never heard of it. I guess after I retire I'll have to write my own open source 3-D modeler that exports directly to G-Code. Doesn't seem like it should be that hard;)
One of my buddies I went to school with works for a company that makes F-16 components. They have huge 150ft bed CNC mills. They use a 3D CAD program called Cativa (it may use a plug in program also)which writes all the code the CNC mills. It also shows you on screen whats being milled and with what tool. Its a very interesting program.