Well, I downloaded it and tried to draw a few things.
1. The tutorial has different screenshots from some other product, probably the full featured program we were promised but didn't receive.

2. Cannot save the files in a format that is useful to me.

3. Completely non intuitive.

4. Uninstalled it and left an angry message on their message board.

I guess it's easy to give something away for free if it is worthless.
I have an 11 year old hobbiest program called 3D Design Plus that I paid $39.95 for and it is much easier to use and exports DXF files. I found it in the junk bin at Walmart. I've used it to design and make several items over the years. I will just stick with it since I won't be buying anything from Alibre and can't afford anyone else's stuff at the moment. I'll soon have a year to work on my own program. Maybe I'll add some advertisements to it and trick 100,000 people into registering for it and then cripple it just to frustrate them. Then again, maybe I'll just give it away and put Alibre out of business.
"The trouble ain't that there is too many fools, but that the lightning ain't distributed right."
Mark Twain