Originally posted by *paul:
Personally I don't agree with this mod

*paul, why? Is there something odd/useful/dangerous we should know here? I ask because it seems to me the grid in mine (undrilled as of yet) has molding errors. A few of the vent holes are fully open, some are partially open, many are completely plugged, and there doesn't seem to be any clear pattern as to which are open and which are not. This randomness leads me to the conclusion that Nissan has some minor flaws in their manufacturing of this part that they choose to ignore.

Just curious. Pro AND con info is always useful, you know?

And I agree... a picture is worth a thousand words here. Anybody want to post a couple?

2001 SE Solar Yellow 5 speed

[This message has been edited by XterraIncognita (edited 06-24-2001).]