Originally posted by Tonka Ross:
Funny...I don't remember cracking on UL, just their coach. Who, by the way, has a history of contemplating bailing for more money. Or, do you conveniently forget about the history of this guy? I swear, if you knew me, you would not put up smack like this...if you only knew.
Hmm... He turned down Auburn. He turned down the Raiders. He has a 2.5 MILLION dollar a year contract... Tell me 1 single school that's looking for a coach that's willing to even try to top that kind of salary? He'd one of the top 5 highest paid coaches in the country, and is on the verge of building a dynasty. No coach in his right mind (or even out of his mind) would turn his back on that and leave.

I swear, I'm glad I don't know you. You don't seem to be even remotely rational.