for me on a pocket dump everyday....

Shirt- 2 m9 magazine pouches full of ammo two - three m4 magazines fully loaded one loaded and bullet in chamber on safe m4 strapped around my chest... second chance vest under top...

belt- tactical flashlight asp x26 taser two handcuffs and m9 berreta on fire with one in the chamber fully loaded and a radio with whisper mic strapped around my shoulder...

in pockets- coast 3" tactical knife pen droid x cell phone... notebook in the thigh pocket a grease pen in cafe pen pocket with black permie pocket and tactical gloves in non firing side thigh pocket and most importantly a pack of marlboro methol cigs and atleast two lighters

on special days wear a flak vest and kevlar helmet smile all for 14 days everyday all day baby

Edited by hydroen (25/03/11 06:09 PM)