Sorry to tear you all away from the New steering conversation, but this is important. Note the solid axel design that provides maximum articlutation and the grooved all terrain tires that will get you over the roughest of terrain. laugh With the lack of work going on I was left with some time to wander around Summitt racing today...(dangerous, very dangerous having that place so close) what did I see while there? That's right a PowerTank kit. I bought it entirely on impulse and left the store with a mad gleam in my eye. A quick trip to the fire-extinguisher store resulted in what I lovingly call The Wheezin' Geezer. I painted it white so noone would plug in Grandma by accident. Breathing CO2 would ruin her whole day. The three tanks I got ran the same as getting the one tank from Advanced Air, and I got the bottle buggy to boot. All the tanks were tested and new valves installed. Total price $300.

Sensitivity is important in any relationship...
"I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down.'" --Bob Newhart