Ok, I'm really really having problems with the Nissan dealership and their rust warrenty. Ok, I guess some 2000 Xterras came off of the line and got splashed with some stripper on the tail gates. The result is small patches of rust that are seeming to grow.

Well, I went to Peak Nissan and I dare say they told me one thing and did another. They told me that the problem did exist with the factory and that they would cover it. But I told them of the miles and they immediatly told me that that was outside of the warrenty period (57K at the time). Well, the warrenty states that the milage is unlimited and the warrenty duration is 60 months. I was wondering if anyone had the same problem and how they fixed it with the dealer.
Love the Xterra, just not to keen with some of the dealerships (Pikes _____ for example, not to name names).