Originally posted by DelrayBill:
The internet may be nice for shopping but I don't think any dealer will really put a good price out on the web. If they did you could sit there and play one dealer against another without leaving home.
If you sample a large number of dealers, you WILL hit one that is willing to make a quick, low fuss sale to meet a sales quota. Works best at the end of the month (I first faxed for my Xterra three days before the end of the month).

I shoped by fax, locked in my deal via email, and only talked with the salesman via phone to confirm all the options on the truck and put down a deposit via credit card. Went in the next day, took delivery and was out the door in less than two hours (loan processing and all). A good hour of that was me going over the truck and taking it for a good test drive (with a friend!)

So, you absoultely can get a good deal via fax or email (Fax is usually better). Middle of the week is better than weekends... etc... read http://www.carbuyingtips.com - it's well worth it!
Murderous Fire!