3 Xterras will be making a monster trek in the next 2 weeks. Whiel a bunch of you will be driving the interstates to get to Colorado, in true "field of dreams" style, 6 brave souls will be heading for the barren remote reaches of the East coast.

One Solar Yellow, one Cloud White, and one Silver Ice will be be travelling up into Canada, through Quebec City, on North along the St Lawrence River to Baie Comeau, then North again to Labrador City.

This is the beginning of the Trans Labrador Highway.
This is where we need the Gerry cans. 288 miles of gravel road. Top speed, probably 50. We think we'll take a couple days to do this stretch as there is a massive power plant half way there, and it's supposed to be an amazing tour. Our destination is Happy Valley, Green Bay. a former WWII refueling station for trans atlantic flights, now still ruled by it's airport. Various countries use Labrador as training grounds for their fighter pilots, so it's not rare to see dogfights in the skies over the area. Nor is it rare to see the Aurora Borealis, better know as the Northern Lights. We hope they will be viewable, as this is one of our reasons for the trip (mine at least), and it's prime viewing season.

From Happy Valley we will continue north to the Town of NorthWest, currently, the farthest one can go by land vehicle to the North and East.

At this point we get on a car ferry that will take us to Lewisporte, Newfoundland. It's a short ferry ride, about 36 hours. It's the equivalent of driving from NY to South Carolina. We hope to spot some icebergs and whales among other sea life while on our trip through the North Atlantic (actually the Labrador Sea).

Upon arriving in Newfoundland we will be exploring the Northwest coast, which has some of the most interesting geological formations on the East coast. Western Brook Pond is a fjord lake that is simply breathtaking. There's even a place that looks like Mars.

We will leave Newfoundland and head to Nova Scotia, where we will meet up with some Land Rover folks a day after their Labour Day Rally, and do some wheeling. There's good trails up that way, muddy doesn't begin to describe them. We will drive the Cabot trail, Nova Scotia's answer to the Pacific Coast Highway, and then drive back through Maine, hitting Acadia National Park. Finally we will drive down route 1 all the way home.

Total trip time: 13 days.
Total trip miles: 2500-3500 miles, plus 700 in nautical miles

Photo documenting it? You Betcha!

The Van LIVES.