Originally posted by Loop Choke:
Well, since you are no longer welcome on SCCX you feel that you can bash me here Cary. Is that it? I do not know what your problem is. I never said a bad word about you until you started all of the crap you started on the board. I always liked you.

Not anymore......

No. SCCX website was down. Came over here an read how your Rubicon can out do Xterra's. I am not bashing you. It just brought back bad memories of a certain vehicle owner who was going to "school" me with his solid axle vehicle on the Rubicon Trail. Funny thing though he never made it to the trail in his vehicle. It broke down on the freeway and I towed it 5 miles on the freeway to the next exit. I let him drive for 2 hours on the Rubicon. When we got back he bragged on XOC, SCCX and The Unofficial Xterra Board about how he did the Rubicon. He had promised to let me post first. His post never mentioned me or the fact it was my Xterra. That same person took a group of Xterra's into a canyon which was beyond their vehicle capability. He then left them overnight and went home.

IMHO a XTERRA club should have policy decided by XTERRA owners. When we started SCCX in December 1999 we liberally allowed any vehicle to join us. Frontiers were considered honorary members. Anyone should be allowed to go on runs. The "crap" I started on SCCX was in protest of a Xterra owner quitting the board because he did not like the direction the club was going. The "crap" I started caused two board members who no longer owned Xterra's(one because he rolled it) to dissolve the board of directors. The two then announce they had been planning a Extreme Rock Crawling Club anyway. People blame me for the webmaster giving a 72 hour notice to shut down the website. :rolleyes: Now he has more time to set up their Extreme Rock Crawling Club since they own vehicles together.

I have NO problem with ANY non-Xterra owner being involved with the club as much as they want. I have a PROBLEM with ANY non-XTERRA owner setting policy. When my Xterra was sold I intended to resign from the BOD and then become a honorary member.

As far as what people have said about me making "Negative Comments" on SCCX... I have the resolve to say and do what I think is best for the club. The indecision in club WRITTEN policy hopeful will be resolved by the soon to be elected 9+ member board of directors.

One good thing about having(an paying for) the toll free SCCX hotline for four years.... is I know I am not alone... in my feelings about the direction the club has been going.

In my personal life I have literally fought City Hall and the Police for inaction and flawed policy.

1) 30 years of broken curbs, sidewalks, and gutters. After a year of a very public fight two streets down from a $30 million city hall have been replaced!

2) A year ago a street down from me had 150 cars travel on it per day. It now has over 1,200 cars per day looking for movie theatre parking. Literally smoking crack in their cars before going stoned to a movie. Still fighting this one.

3) I fought the Police to change a insane policy that was about making money and ignored protecting children and adults. I need to update my website... but after over a year of a very public fight... I got policy changed! http://www.culvercity.tv/

I imagine the City Council and Police Department thinks I started "crap".

As far as you not liking me anymore... you are entitled to state how you feel about me. I respect your right to your feelings. I also have the resolve to state how I feel about the people and policies of the club I helped found.

Give me a call on the SCCX toll-free hotline. (866) 2-XTERRA

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860